AKIN is governed by an executive board which is elected by paid-up members once every second year. The following seats will be contested at the AGM on 28 April this year. Please send an email to AKIN2018AGM@gmail.com indicating the position you wish to vie for by Friday 20 April. Include your cell phone number in the email.
The positions/duties of the Board Members are stated below:
The persons holding these offices will have the following duties:
a) Oversee the daily running of the association
b) Represent AKIN officially in other forums or appoint a representative
c) Arrange and chair Board meetings
d) Preside at functions organized by AKIN or appoint a representative
e) Ensure, in consultation with the Secretary, that the agenda of meetings is distributed in advance
f) Liaise with the Treasurer regarding the finances of the organization
g) Act as a spokesperson for the association but always in close consultation with the Board
h) Ensure that the various committees execute their assigned duties on time
i) work closely with the Board to ensure the smooth operation of the organisation
Vice Chairperson
The vice chairperson as the deputy leader of AKIN shall actively support the chairperson in all his/her duties. The vice chairperson shall preside at all meetings and functions that the chairperson cannot attend.
Vice Secretary
The Vice Secretary shall assist the Secretary in ensuring that meetings are effectively organized and minuted, maintain records and rule observance at stated meetings.
The office of the Secretary shall make sure that quorums are reached and observed at every meeting.
Recruitment, events and welfare coordinator
1) Coordinate recruitment of members into AKIN
2) Follow up on the welfare of AKIN members
3) Organise and coordinate AKIN’s events.
4) Define and ensure benefits to members of AKIN to ensure current members get the value they expect from the organization and make AKIN attractive to others who have not joined AKIN
5) Oversee any projects that AKIN will have to improve the welfare of members
Communications coordinator
The Communications Coordinator shall:
1) Make sure that the website is up to date
2) Maintain the AKIN social media pages
3) Manage the AKIN contact list
4) Responsible for communication between AKIN and other bodies in collaboration with the Chairperson
Board/Committee Members
The executive Board may elect three members not on the AKIN Board who shall also act as a special advisory committee and whose roles shall include attending Board meetings and providing counsel to the organization’s officers.
The AGM will be held at CAK-Afrikansk Kulturinstitutt (Pilestredet 75 C). See the AGM event page on Facebook.